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Broiled Swordfish

I found some fresh swordfish at the local market, and everyone said I had to try it… So, a little of this and a little of that. And I can say it’s the best swordfish I have ever had. Enough to impress your friends with!


  • ½ fresh swordfish steak

  • 2 cups milk

  • 1 cup sliced almonds

  • ½ cup golden raisins

  • 2 cups spinach

  • ½ cup crumbled feta cheese

  • 1 nutmeg – freshly shaved

  • Pinch of pink Himalayan salt – freshly ground

  • Pinch of peppercorns – freshly ground

  • Extra light olive oil

  • Butter


  1. Marinate fish in milk in a ziplock bag overnight

  2. Melt ½ butter and ½ olive oil mixture on medium (#4) stovetop

  3. Toast sliced almonds with salt, pepper, and nutmeg until slightly brown (watch it, it burns fast)

  4. Add golden raisins for 1 min until slightly warm (they burn fast too), then add spinach until spinach wilts

  5. Take the off the stove and let cool

  6. Add feta cheese to the “stuffing”

  7. Remove fish from milk, and cut a deep slice to almost half it. Brush inside and out with olive oil, salt, pepper

  8. Stuff the fish with the stuffing mix

  9. Broil on “Lo” for 6 min on each side in the back of the oven with the door slightly open or until internal temp reaches 145 degrees.

  10. Remove, cover with foil and let it rest for 10 min

Written by:
Dr. Terra Caudill

Photo Credit:
Dr. Terra Caudill

Original Recipe:
Dr. Terra Caudill