Apple Avocado Appetizers

This is such a fun refreshing combo of flavors, especially if you are starving and wanna make something healthy fast or wanna impress your guests. This recipe was created by our utilization of lists of new flavor pairs that were identified to go well together by IBM’s Watson and the chef kitchen of James Briscione. If you like new flavor pairs, you need this reference! Ingredients:

1 ripe Haas avocado

1 green apple – sliced (or cubed)

Sprig fresh dill – finely chopped

Maldon sea salt

Coconut oil


  • Cut avocado in half lengthwise and remove the pit.
  • Warm avocado oil in a small saucepan on medium high (#8).
  • Place avocados flesh side down in the coconut oil for 1-2 min until golden brown (the more, the better).
  • Remove and serve with the apple and garnish with dill and Maldon sea salt.

Written by: Dr. Terra Caudill Photo Credit: Dr. Terra Caudill

Original Recipe: by Dr. Terra Caudill

Inspiration: Flavor combinations as discovered in “The Flavor Bible” by James Briscione