KitchenArt Spice Carousel

Once we found the spice vendor at the local Farmer’s Market, we couldn’t stop buying them. But also couldn’t remember which ones we already had. The reason we like this spice carousel is because you can buy 2 of them and stack them on top of each other. This saves room and lets you organize 24 spices. Also, when you pull each canister out, you can click a dial to automatically dispense ¼ teaspoon of spice without having to get your measuring spoon out. You also have the option to install 1 carousel under a top kitchen cabinet if you prefer.
To stack them, you have to remove the top cover/handle off the lower carousel. This is really hard, and you may end up breaking it but it won’t matter. Then, place the round place attachment on the middle of the lower carousel and stack them. You may have to stuff a piece of paper inside this black piece in order to not have the top carousel sit too low, but that fixed it for us and it works great!
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Written by:
Dr. Terra Caudill
Photo Credit:
Dr. Terra Caudill